Julia Glass
Looks like Julia Gillard has been meeting with Google Senior Vice President Patrick Pichette, the current Chief Financial Officer of Google Inc, tweeting earlier today that they were meeting to discuss topics such as tax issues for multinational corporations and how Google products will help bring the NBN to life.

As part of the discussions she obviously got her hands on a pair of Google Glass and tweeted the above photo. She also tweeted a link to the Google Glass concept video that Google Released when first acknowledging the existence of the product. We’ll obviously have to wait a little while for her hands-on review but we can only hope it will come soon.

Would you want to try out Google Glass?

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    incredible google. It will launch by early 2014. read more http://rtoz.org/2013/02/20/google-has-released-a-video-about-google-glass/

    I wonder if Abbott turns into a Terminator-esque target through those specs?

    Man the American metropolitan scene is so awesome. Look how wide the streets are!

    Her re-election campaign is obvious: Google Glass for everyone!!! (Even I would vote for her with that campaign!)