Samsung Experience Store - Maribyrnong

Samsung‘s Australian PR company this morning announced that the Korean electronics giant will exit the Australian market prior to the release of the Galaxy S 4 and will not bring the device to Australia.

In a short statement released to the press, Samsung noted that it “doesn’t like any of the Australian carrier logos, nor the locals’ pronunciation of ‘kimchi'” and that it did not want to invest time and resources in “optimising the Galaxy S 4’s gyroscope to handle being carried in a kangaroo pouch”.

While this is disappointing news, it’s understandable given Australians’ increasing preference for kangaroo-powered public transport in major cities. Samsung has granted exclusive distribution rights for the Galaxy S 4 to Kogan, saying “they’ll probably import it anyway, so we may as well make it official”.

The Samsung Experience stores in Sydney and Melbourne have had 10 year lease extensions taken out today and will be converted into the world’s first Smiggle Megastores.

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    Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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    Another pathetic article….seriously why make up this crap??? What is your source??
    You could at least make it something unbelievable like “Samsung S4 will have Teleportation feature, just like Star Trek”

    are you freaking joking? Its an april fools prank. Its not supposed to have a source, they made it up!

    If North Korea nukes South Korea, they may have to exit all markets, not only the Australian.

    Along with Motorola, who next

    Fuck you for wasting my time! That was terrible and not funny in any way!

    Take a chill pill up your behind!

    I actually nearly fell for it. Wow.

    I am going to accept that fact that I am an idiot for asking this but, is this really an April fools joke? If not, WTF!! I am a staunch Samsung/Android user/fan and this behaviour is not cool; i’d hate to have to go back to iOS (shivers).

    Yes it’s an April Fools Joke 😀

    I was about to cry, but luckily sanity prevailed….lol

    haha, interesting. Well, I am the Store manager of the Samsung store in Melbourne, and this is news to me! Nice April fools. 🙂

    Happy April Fool’s Day everyone!!!

    Not really cool

    LOL I was thinking WTF until I read a little bit more! lol I forgot today was april fools! lol Obvious, yes, but you had me thinking for a second.

    Happy April Fools to all the Ausdroid team 🙂

    Meh, doesn’t concern me. Was going to upgrade to an iPhone next anyway. Android has really fallen behind in the past few years.

    Quite the contrary

    Hahaha! Android falling behind? Are you for real? Go back to that rock you’ve hiding under.

    Lol, you guys, why so serious? I was about as serious as this news piece. Android4lyf.

    Andy, you have indeed pulled off the remarkable feat of pulling an April Fool’s joke in the comments section of an April Fool’s article. Well done, you’ve won today’s no-prize!

    haha you got em goood mate.

    I’d actually suggest that iOS has become stagnant and boring, with iOS adopting notifications in a very juvenile form I think it’s fair to say that Apple see Android as a genuine threat.

    Awesome work jase – good news for all of us using kangaroo balls as phone cases!

    Who is Samsung?

    An April fools prank that couldn’t have been more obvious.

    Subtlety was never the point of an April Fool’s prank.

    Ha ha ha

    April FOOLS! 🙂

    Definately April Fools Joke