Most users of Android will know the simplicity that comes from using a Google account for keeping tabs on your email, contacts, calendars, Play Store purchases and the like. Like it or not, the Google ecosystem works pretty well, and Google are always making little improvements here and there to make it a bit easier and better to use.

Today Google has announced that it is unifying storage for its major products. Instead of having 10GB of space for Gmail, and 5GB for Drive and Google+ photos, users will now receive 15GB of storage to use between these three properties.

If you’re a heavy email user but don’t really use Drive or Google+ photos, then you’ve got more room for your mail. If you’re moving your life into the cloud but don’t use Gmail, then your Drive space has now increased. Pretty cool. Google are also introducing changes to the Google Drive storage page, so you can better see where your storage space is being used (as shown below).

New Drive Storage layout

This change also means that you don’t need to purchase additional Gmail storage separately — any additional storage you purchase will apply to all these properties together, starting from $4.99 a month for a mammoth 100GB of online storage.

Google advises these changes will apply to Google Accounts over the next couple of weeks; Apps customers will receive the same update but it may (as usual) take a little longer.

Source: Gmail Blog.
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I was literally a few seconds off buying the old 25GB storage option last night. I only stopped because I saw I had about 1GB of Titanium Backup files hanging around. Thanks Google

Gah, I’m an Apps customer, I wonder just how long we have to wait. Typically Aus App customers are even slower than US App users!

Oh Chris, I feel sorry for u. (App customer)