Amazon Kindle Fire HD Pre-Order

Last week, Amazon announced that they were making their super popular Android-powered tablets, the Kindle Fire HD, available in Australia, opening pre-orders for the 7-inch and 8.9-inch models.

Dick Smith have just released their pricing for the 7-inch tablet – the 16 GB model will be sold for $229 with free shipping, and their website states that orders will ship on June 13.

This is slightly more expensive than ordering directly from Amazon, who will sell you the same model for $225.98 including shipping, but if you prefer to buy your electronics from a local bricks-and-mortar store, at least you’re not being hustled for the privilege.

No word as yet on pricing for the other models, but it’s probably a safe bet that it’ll be roughly in line with Amazon’s pricing. If you want to pre-order the 16 GB 7-inch Kindle Fire HD, click here.

Are you interested in the Kindle Fire HD now that the line is coming to Australia? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Dick Smith Electronics.
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It seems like they have now discontinued all the Kindle Fire HD devices at DSE and there isn’t even a single product that reference to the Kindle Fire HD devices, any one have any idea what’s going on there?

Kindle fire are awesome in look wise . its also available in australia with the free shiping kindle fire HD android powered and with awesome features . It was really awesome for the E-readers.

Ties in nicely with the availability of the Amazon App store last week in Australia

This is good! I won’t be buying one because my Nexus 7 still serves me well, but it’s great to see those prices being virtually the same.