Play store
As pretty as the new Google Play web store looks, when its redesign was introduced, a few features were left behind, including the ability to filter and sort reviews.

Google have just brought the feature back, adding three drop-down boxes – ‘Rating’, ‘All Devices’ and ‘All Versions’ to help users try to sift through the many, many reviews to find something that’s actually useful.

The ‘Rating’ tab lets you filter by newest reviews, by rating, or by how helpful other uses found the review.

The ‘All Devices’ tab gives you the option to show only reviews by users with the same device as you. Clicking ‘All Versions’ lets you choose whether to show all reviews, or just reviews for the latest version of the application.

It’s nice to see that Google is continually working to improve the Play Store, although I would like to see them implement the ability to filter search results in the mobile app by paid/free.

What changes do you want to see Google make to the Play Store? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Google Play.
Via: Android Police.
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    That Google removed the ability to “filter by rating” in the first place is incomprehensible! Now that they have restored it there is still a problem: You can only sort reviews by rating in the order “high to low”. Result – if you want to sample the one star ratings you have to spend an endless amount of time loading the 5-, 4-, 3- and 2-star ratings screen by screen. It is so impractical that it is difficult to escape the conclusion that Google have done this deliberately to keep users away from the 1-star ratings. What other explanation could… Read more »

    In app and in browser: sort search results alphabetically.
    In app: sort installed apps and all apps alphabetically.
    In browser: filter installed apps by device, including adding a ‘Not currently installed’ category, add a ‘I no longer use this app’ capability, add a ‘Remove this device’ capability.

    @Dennis The paid apps used to be all grouped at the bottom of your installed apps list, in the old Google Market app on your device. I’d also like to see that grouping make a return.

    I want to be able to search my purchases (only), so basically an advanced search with Free vs Paid etc. Even better if they introduced a trial type so that we can actually tell if an app is free.