Google has partnered with well known Australian company Tapit, a global leader in NFC technology, who help customers by leveraging their NFC based platform in advertising campaigns all over Australia and the world, for a promotion that will help promote the Google Play Music service here in Australia.

The promotion, which has also been pointed out to us by Ausdroid reader Beau Giles, sees signs placed in a select number of buses in Sydney, as well as trains in Melbourne & Brisbane, will offer travellers the chance to tap – or scan a QR Code for those not fortunate enough to have NFC in their phones (iPhone users) – at which time they will be directed to the Google Play Music product page to learn more about the service.

You can see how this promotion looks on a Sydney Bus, thanks to Beau:

The dynamic power of the Tapit platform allows Tapit to remotely and securely control the destination of taps and scans with plans in place to direct commuters to a unique Google Music mobile site that will be ready soon.

The promotion will be running for at least four weeks and should hopefully see some good results for Google Music from commuters in the three capital cities, while at the same time giving users with NFC in their mobile devices an introduction to the great experience that can be had by utilising NFC.

Have you seen one of these NFC/QR code based adverts in your travels around Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane?

Thanks: Beau Giles for the photos.
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Samsung S4 with the McDonald’s Ad driven by Tapit doesn’t work either – tried to use a Tapit app (korean) thinking that there needed to be something explicitly done to get it to work but that does nothing (it does beep uselessly though).

Nexus 7 2013 didn’t work. Looks like your quality control is crap.

Unfortunately the NFC tags don’t work with my Samsung S4 either

Has never worked for me in my Nexus 4 mobile. I’ve tried about 4 times. Maybe the NFC tags you used are not compatible with Nexus 4 NFC (which is a HUGE irony, since Nexus is a Google brand mobile). And none of the 3 QR scanners I have could read the code (maybe is way too low-res?)

might be ok if they actually worked

Hey O.

Further to my note to Dermah let me know what the issue was and where you tapped and we’ll do our best to help resolve the issue for you.

Andrew @ Tapit.

I’ve tried to tap it several times. It didn’t work

Hi Dermah.

Would love to help you resolve the issue of why it didn’t work for you.

Can you let me know where you tapped and what the exact issue was?

Andrew from Tapit

Hi! I was on a Sydney L94 bus and saw several of these ads stuck to the walls so I tried it out.

I tapped my NFC enabled Nexus 4 on the tapit image but nothing happened. I tried again and again nothing. I then tried moving the phone around the icon, making sure all parts of my phone came into contact with the NFC area but nothing happened. I did the same thing with three other ads stuck on the same bus and none of them did anything.

The QR code worked though.

They’re probably using the cheapest legacy Mifare Classic 1K tags which aren’t part of Nfc forum specs. It does work on devices with NXP’s controller but Nexus 4 ‘ is not made by NXP

Hi Dermah,

We’re going out and checking the assets to ensure they’re OK.

Appreciate you alering us to the issue and hopefully the next time you get on the bus and tap you get a positive experience.

Andrew @ Tapit.

Tried again on another bus, didn’t work

Very cool.

This is cool

I see this kind of thing on my local buses but for the SMH site.