Dead Zebra Android Collectibles series 4

Dead Zebra, home to all things Andy the Android collectible and cute, has just announced another series of artist designed Android figurines. This fourth series of mini collectibles have been designed by new artists Kong Andri, Sergio Mancini, Fakir and Shawnimals, as well as returning artists Andrew Bell, kaNO, Kronk and Scott Tolleson.

The above figurine is designed by Andrew Bell and is called Astronomiton. No prices or availability date has been announced, but judging by Series 3, the new series of 3″ Android mini collectibles should cost around US$ 8 each (the mini Android is random), or you can order a case of 16.

Series 3 shown above

We’ll keep you up to date when they become available, but we expect that to be within the next few weeks.

Are you interested in Android Mini-Collectible Series 4? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Dead Zebra Inc.
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    I might order a Green one to start my collection. Always wanted to get one of these but didn’t know the name!

    How long does delivery usually take?

    Can anyone really call them self an Android fan and NOT have one of these on their desk!?