
For those of us who have a Chromecast, it’s a fairly powerful device for a relatively low cost. Yes, at this stage we still need to import the device from the US, although if rumours have their way we might see an international launch of the device in 2014. Time magazine have recently announced their top 10 Gadgets for 2013 and at the top of their list is the Chromecast, defeating the Pebble Smartwatch, Kindle Fire HDX and Apple’s new iPad for the top spot.

Sundar Pichai posted to G+ yesterday to congratulate the Google team and to say a thank you to everyone who has supported the Chromecast since its launch in July this year.

The Chromecast really is a perfect fit for any living room as it will allow you to share supported media sources easily from various devices to your TV, whilst taking up very little space within your living room setup. Best of all, you can order one online for less than $50 AUD shipped. A number of Ausdroid’s team members own at least one Chromecast and I certainly will be adding one to my Christmas shopping list.

Do you think that the Chromecast is the best tech gadget from this year? Would you buy one if they are released officially here in Australia next year?

Source: Time.
Via: Sundar Pichai - Google+.
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    Your link to order one on Fishpond says product not found. Too bad coz I’d really like one for under $50 delivered 🙂

    The product page gets taken down every now and again when they run out of stock; it’ll be back soon no doubt.

    What is more telling with that list is there weren’t any really NEW, category creating, tech toys which were released this year, which were thought, by Time, to be worthy of being included in that top ten.

    Telling of what?

    “Best of all, you can order one online for less than $50 AUD shipped”
    yeah but it still takes over a month to get to you unless you pay the more to get it shipped quicker (still waiting on mine)

    I got mine in about a week, although I jumped in on the Amazon mess up. Looking fwd to the final SDK and apps!