Open Automotive Alliance
While the Open Handset Alliance(OHA) has been the source of the Android take over of the Mobile phone and Tablet industry, the Open Automotive Alliance(OAA) will be Google’s source of a take over of one of the biggest industries around – the Car industry.

Google has announced that they are entering into a partnership with some of the top names in the car industry – Audi, GM, Honda and Hyundai as well as partnering with NVidia for the electronics side of things to bring the connected car concept into the Open arena, announcing on the OAA website :

There are over 1 billion cars on the road today. We rely on our cars for so many things in our lives, but right now the connection between them and the other mobile technology in our lives isn’t always seamless. The Open Automotive Alliance is a group of leading automakers and technology companies that share a vision for making technology in the car safer, more seamless and more intuitive for everyone.

According to the press release, members of the OAA are committed to bringing the Android Platform to cars starting from 2014.

The car industry has so far been very Apple-centric, with a seemingly endless stream of cars announced with Siri integration, but this appears to be a valid attempt to open source the entertainment and other on-board electronics systems to integrate with the most popular mobile OS on the planet. It’s an interesting attempt and hopefully will see more traction than the Android @ home, Home Automation effort that Google appears to have forgotten about entirely.

Does the on-board entertainment system OS change your choice in vehicle?

Source: Open Automotive Alliance.
Via: The Verge.
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Freedom at last on the OPEN ROAD! lol…. I’m loving this will no doubt change the whole future of our Automotive World being more competitive, Open and FREE, compared to the Applewellian Thought Police running Apple. Who is only after controlling you rather than helping you control your life! I’m so glad that at least GMC, Audi, Hyundai and Honda see the light Openness brings for their customers needs, wants and desires. Instead of like Apple telling us what we want and don’t want at the wrong time. Apple has become what it said in that 1984 Commercial it was… Read more »

Does this mean we will need data plans when we buy our cars as well? Wonder if all phones etc will now start selling cars, with MobiCity focussing on the import market? 😀

Data plans for cars would be a likely necessity. I wonder what size SIM would be best for cars, though.

I can’t see a reason why this would really be needed unless they are going the “you don’t need an android phone” route.

Wouldn’t using your existing phone’s data plan work?

Darren, I was thinking of the “You don’t need ANY phone” route.

Jeni…. I I don’t think Google would ever be able to dictate the service you choose or the platform you run on your smartphone either. Google is not interested in locking you into and AOL like environment like Apple’s Garden Walled Network. Google makes their money off giving you Freedom of Choice and for that all they ask is that you look at a few ads concerning what you’re already looking for. It’s a business model that works across all platforms the Free Open Source Way! Because they really don’t want to keep you from using their servers no matter… Read more »

Because it’s OPEN…. it’ll more likely connected to Free data off Google’s Blimp or Walmart Tower Skunkworks Wifi projects. Supplied Free or like their Free Fiber Optic Network testing in Oklahoma and Austin Texas. They most likely have some plans to go into some kind of FREE carrier service in some way. But they certainly wouldn’t preclude you from having your own plan or using your cellphone whether iOS or Google Android to tether service to your car!!!

And do Google Blimp and Walmart Tower Skunkworks free WiFi exist outside of the USA, iKrontologist?
Without free WiFi, or relying on the driver having a phone, an in-car data SIM is the only solve.

My Hyundai has a windows based entertainment and navigation system, and it blows. Hopefully this could somehow result in an update from hyundai… Ha… I wish.

I don’t know about the Hyundai in the past, but they have become huge Android fans with concept cars running Android devices in them. Samsung and Renault also had a concept car out in 2006 that had integrated their Origami Windows Tablets in them. They also had the Android powered concept car in 2009 called the eMX. But…. yeah it would be nice if Google found a way to sneak some features into those Windows powered Hyundai’s, like they did Chrome OS so to speak. Leave it to Google to find a way for you to use Google Maps and… Read more »

This could possibly beat both Apple and Windows because I’ve no doubt that Google will release software for any app store they think will benefit it’s expansion as where Apple will only allow it to work with iOS devices.

Android FTW!