Carbon for Twitter

Popular Twitter client Carbon has become another victim of the token limits imposed by Twitter on third party apps for their popular social media platform. The same thing happened with Falcon Pro back in July last year, and while another client Tweetlanes didn’t hit the token limit, its developer Chris Lacy saw the writing on the wall and decided early last year to cease active development of Tweetlanes, and put it over to the open source community to maintain instead.

Joaquim Vergès, developer of Falcon Pro, went to quite some length to get Twitter to issue further tokens to Falcon Pro users, but to no avail. Realising that Twitter would never give in, to him or to any third party developer, Falcon Pro ceased to be a paid app, and was made available for free, providing you had a token (or could figure out how to get around the requirement).

Having witnessed these events (and others), the developer of Carbon did what he could to prevent hitting the token limit, but it seems the decision to avoid advertising, promotion of the app or spruiking it in any way was not enough; unfortunately, it doesn’t help that Carbon was already fairly popular, and with the token limits not particularly high anyway, Carbon was always going to run head-long into the limits.

Sadly, this means no new users for Carbon, but existing users will be able to continue using the app for as long as it’s supported. If you aren’t using the app any longer, you should probably log into Twitter and relinquish your token so that someone else might use it. Failing that, if you don’t log in for a period through Carbon, your token will be relinquished anyway.

Have you been forced to change your twitter app due to token limitations? Let us know which one you’re currently using.

Source: M.Saleh Esmaeili G+.
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    I always go back to tweetlanes (should probs be a gentleman and see what tokens I’ve got hanging about)