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Popular repository of knowledge Stack Exchange has released an Android application which allows users to access the question-and-answer site on the go. Stack Exchange runs a number of different sites around different subject areas, including PHP, Android, various other programming topics, operating systems and more. Users post questions, and receive answers, but the real benefit is to users of Google finding answers to common questions without even having to post them.

With the advent of a mobile application, users will be able to access this information on the go in a much more intuitive interface than accessing the website while mobile. The app unifies many of the Stack Exchange sites and brings them together in the one place. You can sign in to the app using all the common sign-in methods (including Google, Facebook, Stack Exchange accounts, etc), and if you don’t want to sign in, you can browse with ease.

Probably the best thing about the Stack Exchange app is the design; it follows the Android Design Guidelines closely and looks like it’s something that should feature in James’ Beautiful Android series in the near future.

Developer: Stack Exchange
Price: Free