Eighty Eight Games caused a bit of a stir last year with its game 10000000 (Ten Million). Plenty of people, including those of us here at Ausdroid, were hooked on the game – which is a mix of endless runner, match-3 puzzler and RPG, and have been hoping for more content. Well, Eighty Eight Games have announced that more is on the way, in the form of a sequel entitled ‘You Must Build A Boat‘.

You Must Build A Boat will expand greatly on the original, while still keeping the addictive gameplay that so many of us fell in love with. As the title suggests, you will be required to construct some sort of seaworthy vessel, but there is a lot more to it than that. There will be new places to explore, monsters to capture and crew members to recruit, and the game promises to give you many choices to make that will affect the dungeons you run in.

Eighty Eight Games developer Luca Redwood explained on his blog that the sequel was originally planned to be extra content for 10000000, but grew and grew until it became a separate game in its own right: ‘I took a step back and realised I’d added and removed so much stuff. There wasn’t much that remained from 10000000. To get back on track I decided “OK, this is a new game, and this is the experience, and I’ll take it from there.” The game has become way way better for it’.

Since he originally promised this as free extra content for 10000000, Redwood has decided that anybody who bought the original game will be able to download the sequel for free. There is currently no release date scheduled, but we will be sure to let you know if we hear anything.

Source: Eighty Eight Games.
Via: Droid Gamers.