While Gmail Shelfie was one of the more light-hearted April Fool’s jokes this year, it seems that people rather liked the idea of sharing their themes with others, and Google has listened.

Users who log into the Gmail Web interface will be faced with a popup telling you that the theme-sharing function is staying, and is now a “custom theme” which only takes a few moments to setup and can make you Gmail a much more personal experience.

You can also share your custom themes with your friends and family if you wish through Gmail, Google+ or by simply grabbing the link and sharing it with your buddies.

Is sharing themes something you think will live on for a period, or is it a fad that will die quickly?

Source: Gmail Blog.
Via: Gmail Google+.
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    Dead on arrival

    Not quite, Phil.
    It should not have even been permitted to have any chance to attempt to arrive.

    I like it…
    I’ve had an image of my kids in the background of Gmail for a few days now. 😀