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Sony Smartband
For those of you who just love wearable fitness trackers, Sony has released their Life-logging accessory – the Smartband in Australia. The Smartband is now available on the Sony Australia website for $159+Delivery.

Announced at CES in January, the Smartband is a step beyond the usual fare from some Smartphone manufacturers and is compatible with Android phones running Android 4.4, rather than being restricted to Xperia devices. The Smartband will log all your into an Android App available on Google Play after being paired to your Android phone using Bluetooth and NFC.

The Smartband when paired with the app on your phone will literally log your life. The band itself acts as a notification device, vibrating to let you know when a call or message comes in on your phone, You can also control music from it, or use it for health functions when it counts steps and estimates calories burned. You can even track your sleeping habits or swimming habits, because it’s waterproof.

The Life Log software will record your day to day activities paired from the information it gains from the band and the associated apps on your phone including photos taken, events attended, phone calls made and more. It literally logs your life.

The band is available in Black only at the moment, but there’s replacement ‘wriststraps’ coming soon. The replacement bands are available in 9 colours and will cost $49+Delivery, you can check them out on the Sony Website.

We’re a bit of a fan of wearables here at Ausdroid and we’re certainly going to be asking Sony about a review unit, to put the band through its paces.

Price: Free
Source: Sony SmartbandSony Wriststrap.
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how do u charge it?

Micro usb