
Last night Daniel and I represented Ausdroid at the IT Journo Awards (affectionately known as the Lizzies), held at the Crystal Ballroom at Luna Park, Sydney. The awards recognise the best of the best across the field of technology journalism, and besides a great night of food, drinks and catching up with colleagues in the industry, there were also some awards given out.

This year, Ausdroid nominated and became a finalist in the Best Independent Coverage category again, as we did in 2013. We probably should have looked at a few extra categories — for example, best website, best audio program, best telco journalist, and best reviewer — which we’ll be looking at next time the awards come around.

Unfortunately we didn’t quite make the winner’s circle this year, missing out narrowly to the boys over at Reckoner. Worthy winners are they, and we’re quite happy to walk away with a highly commended award in the category.

All in all a great night as had, and we’re proud as punch to have been finalists and highly commended two years running. We like to think that we’re doing something right here at Ausdroid, and if it wasn’t for you guys reading and enjoying our content, we’d have little reason to continue.

So a big thank you from myself on behalf of the entire team, and we look forward to continuing to bring you the news you want!

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    Congratulations! I love your site, hit it several times a day.

    Congratulation on getting the highly commended.

    It’s annoying that the best subject focussed tech site missed out on the award to a general focus tech site.

    Great work Ausdroid! I remember when you were just starting up and were still a small player.. great to see you’ve progressed so much!

    Nice! Great job so far, you guys absolutely earned it!

    Good on you, guys! Better luck next time anyway (not that will impact my regular visit to this website anyway).

    Well done guys, love your work!

    Congrats ausdroid. Always the best when it comes to relevant android tech news.