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Sometimes we come across things on the web that we think are so cool, we just have to share them, regardless of any real link to things Android, mobility or technology.

This is one such thing. We’ve seen some amazing 4K videos on YouTube lately (since Google enabled the ultra-high res videos), and this is definitely one of the most awe inspiring.

New Zealand is a beautiful place, and this video captures just some of that amazing natural beauty, shot in stunning high resolution and captured using a painstaking timelapse technique. Skies that go on forever, mountain ranges shrouded in fog and cloud, lakes captured between shimmering peaks.. this video captures all of it.

Without any further ado, here it is:

Have you visited New Zealand? Is it one of your favourite places on earth? It’s mine!

Via: Gizmodo.
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    Just need a 2160p display now.

    Edit: Or even a 1440p display. Google seems to be offering that resolution too on many 4k YouTube videos.

    It’s a beautiful place no doubt. Good thing the hobbits got rid of the ring otherwise New Zealand would have been a different place under Sauron.


    R O F L !