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The internet has been aflutter with talk of Square Enix’s latest release of a classic game. Square Enix are behind the hit (pardon the pun) Hitman franchise, and instead of simply just porting across the traditional Hitman gameplay to the small screen, which probably wouldn’t work so well, they’ve come up with unique gameplay in the form of Hitman Go.

Players take control of Agent 47, or a game piece representing him at least. Think of Hitman Go as something like a combination of chess and Hitman and you’re halfway there. You move Agent 47’s piece around a game board, turn by turn, in an effort to take out your mark, collect a briefcase, and kill a few baddies on the way. Your enemies move after you do, and with a combination of different enemy pieces with different skills, different special board tiles which can transport your character, or give you rocks to throw, Hitman Go can be quite puzzling.

While it’s a turn by turn puzzler, which is hardly new, the use of this game motif for a traditional 3D shooter is certainly novel. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay simple yet addictive.

Hitman Go is available now for $6.49. If you’ve got a few spare dollars and you’re looking for something to keep you amused this long weekend, check it out.

Developer: CDE Entertainment
Price: $5.99
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    I picked up Hitman Go to entertain me on a flight from London to Berlin and a train from Berlin to Copenhagen. I could not have been happier with the £3.99 I paid for it.

    Great little puzzler, with beautiful artwork and amazing sound design. Can’t wait to pick up the Hitman: Sniper sequel.

    So the currency changes when you go overseas, even though your account is Australian?

    Oh, no. I’m living in London at the moment with a UK bank account, so I’ve swapped my account over.

    Ah ok I see.