After trolling followers and Android fans for the past week with mentions of Liquorice, Giovanni Calabrese from the Themendous, the makers of the Android Lawn Statues in front of Building 44 at the Googleplex in Mountain View has finally been able to show off his Android Lollipop statue.

The statue is not an Android shaped lollipop, instead it’s an Android Bugdroid holding a lollipop. The unveiling was captured in this shaky-cam video which will be replaced once the official Google unveiling video is released.
As promised, here is the updated official unveiling video of the Android Lollipop lawn statue at the GooglePlex.

One day we’ll get to the Googleplex to see these in person. Not bad, now if Andrew Bell could just release a series of Android dessert figures.

Source: +Alex Ruiz.
Via: Android Police.