Google has been pushing their ‘Play Your Heart Out’ campaign for a few months now, it’s been pretty popular based on some very well produced adverts. Google has begun an NFC based Play Your Heart Out campaign, in partnership with industry leading NFC advertising firm Tapit, whom Google have used previously for NFC based advertising campaigns, both here and abroad.

The Play Your Heart Out campaign is currently underway in five capital cities across Australia, with the adverts appearing on buses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, and on trains in Melbourne and Brisbane. It’s a clever campaign, with people prompted to tap the adverts and they instantly connect to a Google Play Music playlist which contains music selections based on the time of day, with the playlist changing at midnight and midday, based on the local time in each state.

You can sample the playlist if you don’t have Google Play Music All Access, or you can purchase some or all of the suggested tracks and your morning or afternoon commute is taken care of. Of course the music is streaming, so make sure you have some data spare on your cap before you start. The campaign will run from now until the 28th of December, so if you’re catching some public transport in any of the cities, tap the sign and see what music is on offer.

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    saw an even cooler one this week at the airport (Sydney). you sync with the screen, type in your flight number and get 15 tracks of artists from the state you’re flying to.

    That is cool. Domestic or International?

    I saw this on a Brissie train but I didn’t have my headphones at the time! Haven’t seen the posters on my trains since.

    if only they would roll out nfc based payments

    I agree would really like to see some stuff reach australia straight away, im sick of waiting years for the newest technology.

    its pointless unless thee is free wifi on buses

    most people have data these days

    on a long bus trip with spotify is a data dump especially on high quality

    Nice of Google to ignore folks who have an Android device which does not support NFC.

    which device doesn’t have nfc haha ?

    Not a humourous subject, Matthew.
    There’s too many currently sold Android devices to list.

    well if you want nfc get a device that has it, speak with your wallet

    NFC is there for convenience but the posters also mention a URL. So you’re not ignored.

    Thanks Flame.
    There was no mention of the existence of the URL in the article, and the way this article is structured, it made it seem that the campaign was solely for NFC device owners, with everyone else being left out.
    After reading your reply I carefully looked at the photos, and I was able to make out the URL in the text of the poster in the top photo.

    Get this in Darwin. The buses there have free WiFi.

    Completely ignoring the cost of data and spotty reception that exists within the Australian Sprawl that is out Capital cities…