swiftkey beta emoji
Emoji was first introduced to Android back in Android 4.1, when Google first added the cute Android characters to the platform. It’s taken a while longer to get keyboards supporting it, but Android users have taken to emoji like ducks to water. Fast forward to the launch of lollipop and we’re getting some more support for emoji.

When your Android 5.0 update arrives on your phone or tablet you’ll see a bit of a difference for flags, with Google implementing the emoji for the two-letter country codes introduced as part of Unicode 6.0. On Android 4.4 and below you may have seen the codes U K for the UK, D E for Germany or A U for Australia, but as soon as the update hits, you’ll get the cute little emoji :

There’s 209 new flag emoji implemented in the update, so almost every flag is there – except poor Antarctica as you can see. There’s no support yet for Unicode 7.0, though a lot of commits for Unicode 7 are present in the Kitkat to Lollipop changelog. But, unfortunately the Man in Business Suit levitating still looks like a blank icon. Maybe in Android Marshmallow(Meringue?)

Source: Emojipedia.
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    I have android 5.0 but still cant see emoji flags I still see the two letters please help