When Google announced their best apps of 2014 it was of no surprise to Ausdroid staff that Todoist was included. Todoist is a high powered, fully featured, cross-platform task manager. We use it extensively here at Ausdroid for sharing and collaboration of tasks and posts that need to be done and find it an extremely useful app/program that allows integration into Android, Chrome, Gmail, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Outlook and many more. Today Todoist have added one more way to view and interact with Todoist: Android Wear.

Not content with limited integration Todoist have added full integration of all of the notifications with Android Wear including location, task, collaboration, and file upload notifications. Once a task is viewed on the Android Wear device it can be swiped away or a comment added. New tasks can also be added from the Android Wear device, including scheduling and sharing of them. The integration into Android Wear allows for immediate storage of ideas and tasks while they are fresh in your mind when you are unable to access your phone (e.g. while driving). Tasks, such as shopping lists, can be sent to your Android Wear device allowing for hands free viewing in the order entered on your phone.

There is both a free and premium version of Todoist, with the free version including a very extensive list of features that should be enough for most users. For power users the premium version (IAP) will set you back $34 a year, which, if you use for work is possibly tax deductible.

Do you use Todoist? Does anyone else think they will use this Todoist feature on their Android Wear device?

Developer: Doist Inc.
Price: Free
Source: Todoist Blog.
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    You have to say “start todoist” a few times before the watch starts recognising that and not “start to do it”, but once it gets it it seems good.