dom-distiller-Chrome reading mode pic

Google Chromium leader François Beaufort has taken to his Google+ profile to announce that the Chromium team are working on a Reader Mode for Chrome desktop and mobile and has given us a small but significant sneak peak into this new feature which is above.

Beaufort stated in the post that the new ‘Reader Mode’ is designed to make on-screen text easier to absorb, by simply removing unnecessary pictures, boxes, buttons and ads. Apple’s own internet browser, Safari, has for a long time now had a Reader Mode available to its users and it is expected with this new Reader Mode will bring similar features and services to Chrome. The project is based on Google Chromium’s open-source DOM Distiller.

Reader Mode has been lurking in the background of Chrome for mobile devices since late last year. If you want to access the feature you have to navigate to chrome://flags#enable-reader-mode-toolbar-icon in your mobile Chrome browser, then click on “Enable”. After a restart, you should see the Reader Mode icon pop up in your toolbar for applicable pages.

If you’re looking to add Reader Mode to your Desktop Chrome browser, navigate to chrome://flags#enable-enable-dom-distiller to switch the “Distill page” menu option on.

Do you use “Reader Mode” in browsers? Tell us in the comments.

Source: François Beaufort.
Via: Engadget.
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    i was using a chrome extension all these days on desktop. and on mobile it always takes time to load, not sure y it has to reload the page every time i user reader mode

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