
Google have continued their application updates, today it’s the Google Keep app that gets a turn. The update brings Keep up to Version 3.1; bringing with it a few performance tweaks, export functionality to Google Docs, some extra functionality for sharing but the biggest two functions that will make a difference to the daily use of the app are: The ability to label or “tag” your notes and finally addressing a criticism in the reminder system – recurring reminders have made an appearance.

While it may seem to be quite trivial, if you’re a heavy user of a system like Google Keep you’re likely to have potentially hundreds of notes, both active and archived by now. This makes searches through your notes a little cumbersome at times. By the simple addition of labels, future reference to notes will be much easier to search for by refining your search to specific labels.

Recurring reminders
This is something I’ve been hoping for from Google Keep for a while. Some tasks that need to be done weekly, monthly, quarterly or perhaps yearly can easily be overlooked unless you’ve got a reminder system in place. Having to setup a calendar appointment seems overkill, but now a single note can have reminders and pretty much any interval you choose. It’s a small addition, but for some users will make a big difference in the way (and amount) they use Google Keep.

Following their usual mode of rollout, Google are staging this so it may not be available via the Play Store just yet… But you will get it very soon.

If you’re a Google Keep user, what functions would you like to see added next?

Source: Android Twitter.
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    plz release a app for ipad, missing as i need some sync of text between ipad and nexus 5 🙂

    Two of my biggest bugbears with Google Keep addressed in one update!

    Yay for Google.