
The latest update to the Google + app that dropped overnight for Australians has brought a pretty cool new look to Google + Communities. Very much in line with the rest of the Google based apps and the material design feel, the header image now dominates and the community will stream like your primary timeline feed.

Google + isn far from the baron wasteland that some make it out to be but certainly isn’t the most dominant force in social media, that title still goes to facebook. But there’s certainly a niche market (tech minded, intelligent people) that wasn’t covered by the general whinging, whining and drivel you get on Facbook and the trolling on Twitter and there are some really good communities you can join if you’re after some information, help or otherwise just trying to learn.

You can grab the latest version of the Google + App from the Play Store at your leisure

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Will this change make communities more attractive for users?

Source: Danielle Buckley G+.
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Google should just give up on that g+ thing, no one would use it if Google didn’t make you have an account to comment on YouTube

isn’t or is? you have isn 🙁 guess that’s isn’t because your article wouldn’t make sense if it was is

There’s also a second typo in the same sentence, baron.