Android Alpha - M
We’ve seen individual permissions come and go in Google’s Android, and we’ve also seen individual OEMs introduce per app permissions within their overlays atop Android. The idea to individually deny apps permission to certain aspects of your private information in exchange for a lessening in function in that app remains popular among Android fans – and according to a report from Bloomberg, those permissions could be making a comeback in Android M.

The quote from Bloomberg, which further says that this functionality will be announced at Google I/O later this month, says:

Google’s Android operating system is set to give users more detailed choices over what apps can access, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the matter remains private. That could include photos, contacts or location.

Google has been making changes to app permissions within Android over the last couple of years, tweaking the way it works and how often you’re notified, to find a perfect balance of too much and too little control. How exactly this will be implemented will – if true – most likely be more clearly defined in the sessions at Google I/O.

Source: Bloomberg.
Via: Android Central.
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    Minor request:
    Could you give is a link to the full size version of the banner image for this article, so the timeline text isn’t blurred from shrinking?

    I really hope this is true!

    hmm, so will they bring a app which is like ‘app ops’ as system app?