We have covered a lot of new topics from Google IO in the past few days but it seems that something nearly slipped through the cracks. Google has purchased yet another small business, with the idea of hopefully folding it into the Google Android family in the future. have today announced that they have been acquired by Google. is a company that shows developers how they can speed up their apps through increased performance. They will continue to remain available for existing customers but how long for is unknown. The company is excited about being able to continue their work at the “home of Android”: started with a vision for how to bring the world of performance monitoring into the mobile age. Since then, our tools have helped developers ensure their tens of millions of users have a great mobile experience. We can think of no better place to continue our journey than at the home of Android.

Google for years have been trying to speed up Android and it’s apps but there are certainly times when it slows down. Hopefully the company flourishes under Google and starts to make a big difference to the Android ecosystem. Where Google will use the company is also unknown but it shows that Google are still working hard on improving the speed of the user experience on Android. In the end who doesn’t want faster apps?

Via: Venturebeat.
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    Internal links are pretty annoying, particularly when they look like the link to domains or apps. I get it, SEO and all, but it as a user of the site, it makes for a terrible experience.

    Are you saying you just blindly click links? Don’t you take a second to glance down to see where a link is going to take you?

    How do you do that on a touch device?