OnePlus 2
Tuesday’s virtual launch of the OnePlus 2 was a mixed bag, with some absolutely enthralled by the phone and buying into the #Hype, while other’s have seemingly called OnePlus’ ‘2016 FlagShip Killer’ tagline bluff. If you’re on the Hype train however, we hope you reserved your invite early, because the queue has now reached a million strong.

OnePlus has posted the milestone on their social media channels, and it’s a pretty big number.

OnePlus sold over a million OnePlus One handsets last year, so gathering a million people waiting in line to just get the opportunity to buy a phone is a pretty big milestone. OnePlus has promised to have around 30-50x the amount of launch units as they had for the OnePlus One, so hopefully their much maligned invite system gets more favourable reviews next time.

Despite less than friendly Australian LTE bands, we’re still keen to get a hold of a OnePlus 2 for review. Stay tuned for more on that front as the August 11th invite release date approaches.

Source: +OnePlus.
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*invite 😉