The Ausdroid app has been offline for about the last week, and we’d like to apologise to you all for the service interruption. Trying to track down the cause — in a web stack as complex as ours — has been rather difficult, and we’re still not entirely convinced that we’ve found the precise cause of the issue. However, we have found the point at which the app is failing, and we’ve been able to implement a workaround to get the app working.

At the moment, the app’s normal functionality should be working — loading the news feed, viewing various categories of news, and searching for articles. Some functionality may be non-functional at the moment, including push notifications, but we are working on this at the moment.

The app should, hopefully, be back to full functioning within the next week, but for the time being, it’s mostly working.

Thanks for bearing with us.

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Are you fixing the layout issues with thumbnail images showing full size and overlapping the text? I tried really hard to use the app, but that made me give up on it.

Is the Ausdroid app open source? If so, we’d be happy to contribute a fix, as long as the ad revenue goes 100% to charity.

Also, if your API is also open, then we could create a competing client, like how reddit has an API and allowing diversity of clients to be written.

Thanks zeitgeb3r, the Ausdroid app has no ads in it. We removed them a while back. We don’t have the code in an open source repository at the moment. We’re looking at it.

The API is public. If you’d like to create a competing app, we’d welcome it! Hell, if it’s good, we’ll even promote it. If you want more details, email me and we can discuss it.

The existing app isn’t open sourced. That may change but at present, it probably won’t.

Another issue for your app is can’t display texts and images well. It’s always mixed.