santa tracker 2015

If you’re like most people, Christmas Eve can be a pretty challenging day. There’s last minute things to do, gifts to buy if you’re disorganised, food to buy, prepare and cook, and somewhere amongst all of this, the children need to be entertained somehow. It can be a real challenge — we know — and if you’re hard up for ideas to get the kids out of your hair, take a look (or get them to take a look) at Santa Tracker from Google.

Santa Tracker has been run for a few years now, but it improves every year. This year, there’s a heap of interactive activities, videos, kids can make a phone call to Santa, and from this evening, the Santa Tracker’s eponymous feature will go live — a tracking service that allows kids to follow Santa’s journey from the north pole around the world to deliver his presents.

Better yet, if you want a bit of family entertainment before the kids go to bed, you can install the Santa Tracker app on your mobile or tablet, and cast it to a compatible device (e.g. a Chromecast, Nexus Player or Android TV) to watch in the lounge together.

It’s a light bit of entertainment this time of year, and something I know I’ll be encouraging the kids to take a look at this afternoon while we finish getting ready for tomorrow!

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free