Android N
Since Android N dropped last week, the actual name of the next version of Android, which Google names after a ‘tasty treat’, has been a talking point. Google themselves are apparently looking for answers, with some users being asked what the next version Android should be in the Google Opinion Rewards app.

Of course anyone can submit a survey to Google Opinion Rewards, so this could be just a massive troll. But Sundar Pichai did say ‘Google may organise an online poll to choose the name of the next Android release’ when he visited India last year, so it’s possible this is legit.

The opinion rewards survey offered up looks like this.

Head of Android, Chrome and Chromecast, Hiroshi Lockheimer has certainly been teasing us, adding the line ‘So, the burning question that’s on everyone’s mind: what will the N release be named? We’re nut tellin’ you yet.’ to his Medium post on why they dropped Android N early, and he’s also been trolling on Twitter as well with tweets like this:

Nori is on the list, but notably Nutella isn’t, though after the furore over using a branded item for Android K (KitKat) you’d forgive Google for sticking with a more generic treat name. We’re still pretty sure it’ll be a Nougat treat when the name of Android N is released later this year, but what do you think it will be?

Source: Android Police.
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    love it… while i want it to be Nougat, nut brittle is pretty darn good.

    While Nori is great and all (ate plenty of it in korea) i had never placed it in a tasty treat category… but i had snacked on it though.

    Nacho would really skew the theme from the previous sweet treats