Peral movie

To conclude their session at Google I/O 2016, ATAP launched their 7th immersive 360-degree video short story, called Pearl. Directed by Oscar-winning Patrick Osbourne, Pearl is the story of young girl and her father, and how over the course of a life we hand down much of who we are to our children whilst trying to do the best we can.

The film is only 5:38 long so if you’ve got a few minutes spare, please take the time to watch.

Of course being a 360-degree video it may take you more than showing to catch all the action. If you’re interested in having a peek behind the scenes of the making of Pearl there is a short video on that as well.

Spotlight Stories are compatible with Cardboard VR viewers via the YouTube app on Android or via the Spotlight app on iOS.

Source: Spotlight Stories.
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