
Telstra appear to be in damage control as they recovery from another outage on their networks. Initially when I noticed this was after getting a number of notifications drop in short succession, and realising I was connected to my pocket wifi rather than home router, I investigated further. A quick follow-up found that there is something of a storm brewing on social media from outraged customers, bombarding the carrier with questions,  concerns and outright abuse over the current outage that is affecting IP services such as NBN, ADSL and it appears mobile internet services.

The website Aussie outages had also confirmed the issues are present,  including some images of the affected areas.   Unsurprisingly,  the issues are centred around the major capital cities of Sydney,  Melbourne,  Brisbane,  Adelaide, Perth as well as some mild impact in Canberra and across Tasmania.

A short time ago Telstra began acknowledging the issues to clients stating that there were issues that are now resolved and apologising.

They have also stated that they intend to contact users who have been heavily impacted by “being offline for extended period of time” and will offer them compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Thanks to one of our readers, we have confirmed that the compensation on offer is in fact a $25 credit to their monthly account.

This outage follows on from multiple other outages this year including 2 major voice outages on the Telstra Mobile network. Both have had apologies and free data days offered to clients and left the communications giant red faced.

Despite the outage being dominantly Internet service based, is this going to have more customers thinking about shifting?

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This would explain my BP Ultimate Cable cutting out at home yesterday, on and off constantly. Bloody annoying.

Shifted my mobiles only yesterday! But home service may be time to move soon especially after today!