Google - Lyricfind
In a new partnership with LyricFind, the world’s largest lyric licensing service, Google has begun showing lyrics for songs in search results for users in the US.

The partnership gives Google access to lyrics from over 4,000 publishers as part of the deal, with song lyrics showing up when you perform a Google search or search within Google Play Music. Before you rush to your favourite search engine though, the cards are only showing up if you’re in the US (or are using a VPN with a US endpoint), for example:

LyricFind licenses the lyrics from music publishers, collecting royalties for songwriters and rightsholders. LyricFind CEO Darryl Ballantyne believes the deal will make lyrics available to a larger audience, with faster more efficient access:

We’re happy to expand the depth and quality of lyrics available on Google’s services. We’re working together to make lyrics available to a larger audience in a faster and more efficient way.

When the Lyric cards in Google Search will roll out to the rest of the world isn’t clear, but for anyone who’s used some of the dodgy lyrics sites out there we hope it’s soon.

Source: LyricFind.
Via: Engadget.