If you’re like me and get a lot of email – some days its hard to remember what you need to follow up, when you need to send specific or important emails as well as a wide range of ways to schedule reminders through this fantastic Chrome plugin.

There’s several tiers available starting at basic, personal, pro to premium with the monthly cost and available features growing with each tier. An important note though is that G Suite users who progress past the need for basic need to jump to Pro at $14.99 a month.

I’ve been continually looking into better ways to handle the daily grind of email and communication with clients, Boomerang has made a significant difference to my daily stream. It’s reduced the number of productivity apps I’ve used, reduced the financial output as a result and streamlined workflow.

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    I use Boomerang as part of my employers corporate email account, Microsoft Outlook. It works okay, but not good enough in my view to warrant paying for it.