If the ebullient enthusiasm emanating from Jason over his time with the HTC U11 is anything to judge by, HTC has a hit on their hands. Now HTC is teasing more functions for the Squeeze feature on the phone.

In a video teaser showing off possibilities for the squeeze feature, HTC lists squeezing to zoom in on Google Maps or within Google Photos. HTC also suggests squeeze could be good in Calendar, letting you scroll from one view to the next. They’ve even suggested answering or ending phone calls, pausing videos and more are options.

Want to see it all in action? Here’s the video:

The suggestions in the video aren’t ‘coming soon’, rather they seem to be fishing for feedback on what you can do with the squeeze function. It seems neat in the couple of times I’ve used it, and it will be interesting to see what other options HTC can come up with.

What functions would you like to see added to the Squeeze feature on the HTC U11?