If you’ve been holding off on getting one of the excellent Sphero Star Wars app enabled Droids, or the awesome remote control Lightning Mcqueen, then EB Games and Zing Pop Culture are having a clearance on them right now.

EBGames has R2D2 and the evil BB9-e marked down to $99, while Zing Pop Culture has them for $99.97. Zing Pop Culture also has Lightning Mcqueen for half price, listed at $224.97 and for those wanting to enhance the Star Wars – Sphero Force Band marked down to just $69.47.

The R2D2 and BB9-E from Sphero launched just prior to the Star Wars: The Last Jedi last year. While BB9-e is similar to the BB8 which launched before Star Wars: The Force Awakens, R2D2 is a completely new design and is exactingly replicated to the droid from the movies. The R2D2 features three wheels, with one retractable wheel and he can also wiggle side-to-side just like in the movies. All three of the Star Wars Sphero Droids will watch the complete saga of Star Wars movies and react to parts of the movie while sitting on charge.

The Force Band allows you to control your Droid by simply using hand gestures and is a heck of a lot of fun if you’re keen to try out your Jedi tricks.

The Lightning Mcqueen is a lovingly recreated version of the lovable character from the Pixar cartoon that was launched alongside Cars 3 last year. Lightning Mcqueen features an expressive LCD screen for a windscreen, with 6 motors built-in that allow facial expression and some really neat driving tricks. 5 capacitive panels built-in allow for you to touch control Mcqueen as well and built-in speakers will playback all his catchphrases – Kachow!

The sale is a clearance sale, so it’s while stocks last. You can check the EBGames and Zing Pop Culture websites for stock levels but you’d better hurry.

Source: Zing Pop Culture.
Via: EBGames.
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    I bought one of these droids to teach myself how to use Sphero. I’m a librarian, and want to develop my STEM skills.