Instagram has launched a new feature which they’re positioning as a fun new way to interact with your friends and followers on Instagram. The emoji slider sticker for Stories gives your friends the new way to rate things on a sliding scale.

The emoji slider has been designed to let you ask more nuanced questions when you want to find out how your friends feel about something. You can insert an emoji of your choice related to your question onto a sliding scale, giving your friends the chance for example to show how ?an artist’s new single is or how ? they like their food.

Adding an emoji slider sticker to your story is easy, simply take a photo or video as you normally would for a story, then select the slider from the sticker tray. Place the sticker anywhere you’d like and ask your question, then set the most appropriate emoji. Just like with poll stickers, friends and followers will be able to respond to your slider as soon as you’ve shared it.

Whenever you see a story with an emoji slider in it, you can simply drag the emoji to the left or right and watch the emoji become animated. Release the emoji where you want to set your response and you’ll see the current average of how others have responded so far.

Instagram have added an emoji slider sticker help page on the Instagram support site which you can view here. The feature has begun rolling out through an app update and you can check out the new emoji slider sticker once you update via the Google Play link below.

Developer: Instagram
Price: Free
Source: Instagram.
Via: Engadget.