It’s that time of year again where we all shift focus to family time, feasts and a bounty of presents. But sadly there are many families whose focus simply remains on survival, often through the charities that support families in need.

Google Play are offering the opportunity for residents of US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Taiwan and Indonesia the chance to easily donate to some of the companies they see as inspirational not-for-profit organisations doing great work in their local communities.

Some of the names are familiar, with an international focus like charity: water: and UNICEF, and some are US focussed but the story remains the same around the globe. Not for profits are struggling, there is higher and higher demands on them from struggling families with less and less coming in.

American Red Cross, Charity Water, Doctors without borders, Room to read, Save the Children and Unicef are about half of those listed. I know that the promotion is only for those listed countries above and I’m not writing this because you can donate to this specific promotion. I’m writing this in the hope that it will spark something in our readers to think for a moment about those who need a bit of help this Christmas and if you can spare it, donate to a worthy cause.

Source: Google Blog.
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This would be amazing. I have so much $$ on my play account from those surveys. I hardly ever spend it. I hope we see this in Australia soon.

This would be great to have here, I have a bunch of credit earned through Google Rewards that doesn’t have much use, would be nice to be able to do some good with it