OnePlus have a skin on their Android devices and that skin is the best skin bar none. To me it is even better than Google’s Pixel skin. OnePlus are not settling with just that though and are ever looking to improve.

As part of this quest for improvement they started a competition
(Product Manager Challenge — #PMChallenge) to ask their fans and users how they could improve their feature list on OxygenOS. They have today announced on their forum the winner of said competition, and the winning entry is impressive.

After going over nearly 1000 entries the folks at OnePlus narrowed it down to 200 valid ones and then rated them according to the product requirements document, how much they would be used and how well they were received by the community before settling on a winner. Some of the entries contained features that OnePlus were already working on, and thus did not win.

The winner, Léandro Tijink, was apparently a stand out:

The carefully laid out product requirements document got our attention, but it was the similarity with our own philosophy, of making small but meaningful tweaks that combine into a great user experience, that won us over: Congratulations, @Its.Leandroo! Your detailed entry is not only quite thoughtful and creative, but also a great reminder that we should constantly keep a focus on polishing the OxygenOS experience.

The winner’s entry not only had some great ideas and reasoning but also had 47 screenshot-type mockups of his redesign of OxygenOS. While keeping the current identity of OxygenOS he stated the advantages of his redesign to be: “Consistency, usability, customisability and easy to implement as a developer”. His entry is extremely well thought out and extensive in its explanation and detail.

We have included a small number of his screenshots here but if you want to see more you can head over to the website he created to showcase his designs and see the effort he put in to win the competition.

OnePlus are working to implement some of these ideas into their OS in the coming months. In return Léandro will receive the phone that his changes first go on to help build, and what could well be the beginning of a career with OnePlus.

Source: OnePlus.
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    One plus knows what their users need👍😍 They Are 200% better than apple😍

    Both OxygenOS and the Pixel could benefit from the ambient display improvements mentioned above; implementing them the same way Moto has in the last few years would be a boon to the software in general.

    Would actually like to be able to run OxygenOS on my Pixel 2 XL, I’m sure there is a way to do it out there?

    Interested in the answer to this too.