Bunyips and Chromebooks in Australia are seen at about the same frequency but Google is looking to change that announcing more access to more Chromebooks in Australia.

From today Chromebooks will be appearing in more stores including Amazon, Officeworks, JB Hi-Fi and the new Chromebooks website. Manufacturers who are bringing the new Chromebooks to Australia include Acer, Asus, HP and Lenovo but unfortunately Google themselves are not bringing the Pixelbooks or the Pixel Slate to our shores.

While Chromebooks have made a big splash in the US, especially in the education sector, they are yet to have any significant impact here in Australia. Google are hoping to change that with this increase in availability.

Chromebooks have come a long way since they were first introduced to Australia with the ability to run Android apps, an inbuilt Google Assistant (on some), Family Link monitoring and improved accessibility settings making Chromebooks a compelling purchase — although most of those listed on the new webstore could be considered “cheap”.

If you are in the market for a Chromebook there’s no better time in Australia to buy one either online or in-store.

Source: Google.
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Pretty ordinary offering. Lower end of these models, and prices too high IMHO

I don’t know about Amazon, but JB regularly have sales. You can get the x360 for anywhere between $700-$850 when on sale. I wouldn’t go near the $1000 mark.

I had a Surface tablet and an older Macbook Pro to a Chromebook (HP x360) last month. Haven’t looked back – quick, has everything I need. However I’m not a ‘creative’ who edits large images or does video editing. I also moved 99% of my stuff to the cloud over the last year so I have everything I need quickly

800 for a crap Chromebook good luck selling them in Australia mate.

5c for your crap comment 😉

Chromebooks as rare as bunyips?

I see them everywhere. I know lots of people who use them, as Chromebooks are often better at web surfing than MacBooks and Windows laptops.

Also, Chromebooks are starting to gain traction in primary schools in Australia, as they are less trouble than Windows machines.

I want the pixelbook

>Builds AU-specific Chromebooks website
>Doesn’t sell its own Chromebooks in Australia

Might change when the new Pixlebook arrives. Hopefully, at least we would have a choice, but may not be an economical buy.