Root access is something that we have no covered much lately here at Ausdroid because we have felt less of a need to have root access. Android is at a point where custom ROMs etc have a lot of their previously unique features now built into manufacturer ROMs.

Now though, at least until the app developers get their butts into gear, it may be worth it thanks to a new Xposed module that “proxies” the fingerprint API to the new biometrics API.

Xposed is a function where modules added to it can intercept calls from apps for certain APIs to change their action. Now a clever developer over at XDA has figured out a way for a fingerprint API to call up the biometric API.

SemonCat over at XDA has created a module called Fingerface which makes the face unlock of the Pixel 4 backwards compatible. Before you get your knockers in a twist the module is completely open source so can be viewed to anything nefarious by anyone at anytime.

With this module installed whenever an app called for the fingerprint API (ie. pops up the fingerprint requirement icon), the module intercepts the call and pulls up the biometric Face unlock prompt instead and if the biometrics match then sends a positive match back to the app as if you had used the fingerprint sensor.

Considering how many apps DO NOT support face unlock just yet this module is a very handy addition to the Pixel 4 arsenal but unfortunately it is not that easy to do. First you will need root access which can be obtained by “fastbooting” a patched boot image (patched by Magisk Manager) and then installing Xposed. Apply the module within the Xposed app once this has been installed. Keep in mind that the Xposed process is still beta format.

There will be easier ways to support this module in the future but all of them will require root. Needless to say when we have time we will test it out for you.
Until then keep punching in those PINs.

Source: XDA.
Via: Mishaal Rahman.
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Scott, root access is still desirable for some people for other reasons besides installing custom ROMs – I am one of those people. And yes, Ausdroid has been rather quiet when it comes to rooting phones, even though you are supposedly the ‘modding guru’. I remember some years back you solved a minor issue for me by introducing me to Xposed. I suppose there is always XDA for dealing with the truly serious tech side of things.