Android 11 developer preview has been released this morning and of course the folks over at XDA have wasted no time in tearing it apart and finding all sorts of snippets that bring new features to Android but also to Pixel phones.

One such snippet is something they have found within the settings app a new activity called “Battery Share”. Upon launching the activity they found that it seems to be a placeholder for an upcoming feature.

There were strings of course inside the app which lead them to believe that Google is working on a reverse wireless charging feature. The strings say:

your phone’s battery will run out faster when using battery share. Battery share works with compatible ear buds, watches, phones, and more.

The implication of this is that you are sharing the battery of your phone with another device and it is assumed that this is sharing from one compatible Qi charging device to another.

None of Google’s current phones support wireless charging so it is highly possible that Google are preparing this feature for a future phone. A premium feature would only belong in a premium phone — how about the Pixel 5?

Have you installed Android 11 developer preview yet? Anything you think worth noting?

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“None of Google’s current phones support wireless charging” — you mean reverse wireless charging! 🙂