Now we’re spending more time at home, there’s a growing need to share and record your screen. Many of the options to achieve this are difficult or clumsy to use, require you to use watermarks or cost a small fortune. If you need to do this as a once-off, or something more regular then RecordCast is probably worth a closer look.

The premise is pretty simple offering users an easy, free and flexible way to not just record their screen, but also a way to edit videos easily. On the surface, they seem to be marketing to education, personal users and content creators on the first steps of their journey.

There are some clear concerns that many users may express about a “free” service like this one, which we queried and got direct confirmation that:

  • They do not monetise the site in any way with no immediate plans to do so
  • There is no need to download or install any software
  • There is currently no mobile access via web or app
  • There are multiple demonstration videos online, like the one below

RecordCast seems to be a pretty solid offering for users who need some simple capture and editing options. Whether this will turn into something more commercial in the future, we don’t yet know.

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    A very interesting product