Ring the makers of one of the most popular video door bells and home security cameras have announced that they are entering the home alarm market with their ‘Ring Protect’ family of products. Similar to the recently announced NEST Secure the Ring Protect brings the IoT to home security.

First up we’ve confirmed with Ring Australia that they are looking to bring the Ring Protect to Australia, hopefully we have something to share about this in the future, fingers crossed. The Protect consists of a keypad, base station, open/close sensors for doors and windows, a passive IR sensor and a wireless range extender (based on Z-Wave).

The Ring Protect complements the company’s existing “Ring of Security” offering, working with their current door cameras and outdoor cameras to provide an integrated security and home monitoring solution. The new offering is of course app-based with real-time notifications coming through to your devices while you’re out and about.

The introductory bundle will cost $199USD, about $260 before local costs and taxes, alongside a monthly monitoring plan of $10 per month or $100 per annum for unlimited camera storage for any Ring cameras you have in your Ring of Security package.

With Ring embracing the Australian Market with many of their current security devices and the company actively exploring opportunities to bring the Ring Protect to Australia I’m fairly certain we’ll be seeing more of these products.

Source: Ring.