Nexus 4 Bumper
Love it or hate it, got one or not the Bumper was an accessory that was at least available – for some – when the Nexus 4 first launched back in November last year. The Bumper is no longer appearing on Google Play, having disappeared just as the Nexus 4 wireless charging orb did recently.

The direct link to the Bumper still works however it is now listed with a status of ‘Nexus 4 Bumper (Black) is no longer available for sale.’ which has a ring of finality. We will speak to Google Australia and see if there is anything they have to say about the removal. However, at this stage it would seem that it is simply a case of Bon Voyage to the accessory which has actually been out stock since late November.

The bumper was quite expensive, costing $19.99 with the additional cost of $10 shipping on top which left a sour taste in most customers mouths. Having purchased a bumper and used it, the final result was that the phone felt quite protected but at the expense of adding a larger amount of bulk and width to the phone. If I had continued to use the bumper it may have saved my Nexus 4 from its recent high velocity meeting with some concrete.

Did you purchase a Nexus 4 Bumper? Do you still use it?

Source: GooglePlay.
Via: AndroidPolice.
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Bought one this morning from the Australian play store. Might need to update this article!

I had been regularly checking the Play store for bumper stock since having
purchased my Nexus in January. Can anyone recommend a good alternative one to

Don’t forget to add that Google charges your CC out of Ireland so your bank may add an overseas transaction fee. They ship and sell from Google Singapore, they charge in AU$ in Ireland but charge GST. Does that not mean I purchased my device overseas and GST does not apply ?
Are google charging for it and keeping it for themselves and running a massive tax dodge ?
Looks like it to me.

Phew…. Mine is on its way from the US just as we speak…..although I’m still on the look out for a case to fully protect it. I do hope Google get there act together for the next round of nexus devices as this is getting tiring. I have all nexus devices and accessories are hard to come by although one company called Poetic are doing a great job.

Hi, I just thought I would give my two cents, the poetic bumber really does look nice, but it muffles the microphone quite alot. I have also tried a flip case, it didn’t even fit, and now I have a ringke clear back case, it is just like a bumper in that it shows the back of the device, it is solid, and makes my phone maintain its classy expensive feel.