Google Glass has popping up more and more over the last month, beginning with a hands-on with Josh Topolsky and then videos appearing with what it’s like to look through Glass and then talks at SXSW and now Sergey Brin doing an impromptu talk at the latest TED conference. While there is a note that this is not an official ‘TED talk’ it is a pretty decent look the idea behind creating Glass.

The talk goes for just over thirteen minutes which includes a brief Q & A session at the end. Sergey talks through the design, advising that one of the core design aims was to free up your hands and eyes as well as your ears from using a Smart Phone, confirming that sound on Glass will be via direct bone induction to create better sound.

Not the best presentation due to it apparently being a ‘Spontaneous’ appearance but for most of us trying to get any and all information on this very cool product this is a bit of a hit to get you through till Glass is released later this year.

Any ideas what phone he’s using?

Source: TEDLeaks.
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    It has to be a moto X!