LifeLink Photo
Battery life is definitely one of the biggest issues facing mobile devices at this time, with most requiring a top-up charge at some stage during the day, but how do you achieve this? Lug around your charger, carry a microUSB cable? The team at PlusUs seem to think their LifeLink ultra-portable charging cable could solve this conundrum.

PlusUs is a team of three Australians from Perth, who have pooled their experience to create what they feel is a durable and convenient way to charge any mobile device. The LifeLink is at its heart a charging cable, it’s compatible with most devices with the option to choose from either a microUSB connector or more Apple friendly Lightning or 30-pin connector on one end and a standard USB on the other. The cable is encased in Teflon to add durability and comes in a choice of Grey or White.

At only 85mm long with the ability to more than doubles its length to 178mm, and at only 2.5mm thin, it’s about the size of two credit cards, so LifeLink can fit conveniently in a wallet while still giving you a fairly decent length of microUSB charging cable.

How much does this cost? Well, they’re not shipping yet, but they will apparently be shipping sometime soon, with the website advising shipping will begin in ‘Early 2014’. But you can pre-order the cable for just $19(Normal price will be $24) + Shipping, with shipping coming with two options – tracking ($8) or no tracking($5). PlusUs is also a company with a conscience, with every LifeLink cable they sell, they’re offering the chance to help one of three charitable causes :

  • Provide 2 days education for a child in Nepal.
  • 1 day of shelter for a family in India.
  • Contribute towards building water wells in Ethiopia.

It’s a pretty neat looking concept and as an Australian based company, if you’ve ever felt the need to carry a microUSB cable around – and which of us hasn’t really – then you should check out the LifeLink website and get a pre-order in, or if you’re still not sure, check out the LifeLink promo video :

Source: Lifelink.
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    Haven’t got mine that I ordered in November of 2013… No replies since November of 2014… SCAM!!!

    Did this thing ever actually ship? Did anyone get theirs? I ordered when this story first came out and have heard nothing since, and it doesn’t seem to have been mentioned in tech news since launch late last year. Website hasn’t been updated either. Did we all get scammed?

    Can’t believe they still haven’t shipped these yet… I also placed when the news came our and I gave up in April because they kept postponing the shipping date with weird excuses. I cancelled my order and got my money back in April (good news). In this fast moving tech world, especially these small gadgets should be shipped right away after release. The way they ended up the shipping date this far gives me the idea how they organize their manufacture process and maybe quality control.

    Bloody awesome but you can’t order 2 at once…

    You can mate, the option is right up the top.

    I’m curious I know it says it’s designed here but where is the production model getting made?

    Such old news! This was out over 6 months ago!

    Haven’t even shipped yet. Still in pre-order stage mate.

    A pre-order I’ve just made. Looking forward to it arriving 🙂

    thanks for your support kjmci!

    Hi subx, We only launched in November last year.

    Really? This blog post seems to suggest that the product only launched on November 7, 2013:

    Not recieved anything here in UK, despite getting confirmation shipping email. Also plusus now not replied to any emails, guess I can kiss that money good byye!

    In the time since I placed my preorder (little did I realise it was closer to a Kickstarter, backing an unfinished product) I’ve moved to the UK and changed addresses here twice. No idea where the thing is ever going to be dispatched to if and when it arrives.

    It could well be at the address where you ordered it sent to originally.
    My LifeStar cables arrived today.

    So totally writing things off is not valid, yet.

    I dug out the most recent correspondence – “Your LifeLink pre-order is getting ready to ship” and it looks like I’ve updated my address. That was on November 2nd, well over a month ago.

    Given the product was due to ship “Early 2014” I think writing things off is perfectly valid. What a joke.

    I don’t disagree one bit with what you say about they sold their marketing for manufacturing, to the public.
    I agree that if this had been a Kickstarter, folks would have had far less reason to complain about the long wait between taking the orders, and manufacturing.

    Waiting for my LifeStar cables, I never received an ‘Your order is getting ready to ship’ email.