
A Reddit user, who is enrolled in the Chromecast Preview Program, got a surprising message whilst he was setting up his Google Chomecast device. The on-screen notification told him to use the Google Home app to connect (we think it’s connected) to the device.

It’s not surprising that there’s going to be a Google Home app launched alongside the impending Google Home, what is interesting is that it appears this app may replace the current Google Cast app, if this screenshot is to be believed.

We’ve known since Google IO that Google Home will integrate with Google Cast hardware on some level, so it’s not surprising to think that the two ecosystems may become combined. We’re confident that the Google Home will be released in Australia, perhaps just not immediately.

With Google’s huge hardware event happening next week, Ausdroid will be live on the ground in San Fransisco to answer all these questions and more.

Whill you be getting a Google Home when it comes down under? Let us know below.

Source: reddit.
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I’ll only be grabbing a home if it has assistant. A learning assistant that isn’t just, ok Google, set an alarm. I want, a much higher level of integration.

it will have assistant, I’d bet Dan’s Nexus collection on it

Deal! (Sorry Dan)
fingers crossed you’re right. Some kind of hook in to Samsung smartthings hub or similar would be amazing.
“Hey Google, close the blinds in all rooms, and set mood lighting on.”

I noticed the change in the setup screen over the weekend
Makes sense for Chromecast to fall under the banner/management of Google Home… if you think of Google Home as a family of devices.

There is still the Raspberry Pi entry in ASOP that remains empty.
It would be nice if there was a version of Android for Raspberry Pi that allowed you to add to Google Home how you saw fit.

AOSP ok long day already.

Well, you can get Marshmallow on the RaspPi. So if the XDA crowd extract the assistant gubbings from a Home, there would look to be a reasonable chance that a RaspPi Home might make an appearance. The only issue is google have had a habit of being evil and locking things down in recent years…

As I’ve mentioned before, there is no significant reason why a Chromecast couldn’t be given a microphone or two and also become a Google Home node; or for that matter a Google Home getting an HDMI output to also be a chromecast. Another thought was that given what Google Now already does, there is no reason why a phone or tablet shouldn’t also have Google Home capability. In short, if sensible, there’s no reason that Google couldn’t saturate the home with the ability to listen and respond, without buying lots of $129 air freshers – which would wipe out Amazon… Read more »

Logically yes, adding a microphone to a Chromecast would be simple, but as it’s designed to go behind your TV making it not very open to voice commands it doesn’t make too much sense. Google Assistant is coming to Android (phones and Tablets, as well as Android Auto) and yes, Google Home will be powered by Google Assistant. Wrt to wiping out Amazon, the Alexa Dot at $50USD is very compelling as a home automation device and remains strong competition in the US at least – as well as Europe where they’ve launched with partner support for services there. Google… Read more »

Well, on the ‘behind the TV’ – yes, but a) you can still use voice commands, and b) they would have been smarter to put it on a longer lead and move it round the front anyway. Might even have made the Ultra price make sense (cf Xiaomi Mi Box at $69). Meantime an Android TV box could REALLY benefit from voice control. Just think what the AI connected to a cast enabled AndroidTV box could do (cf justwatch (dot) com) Wrt to wiping out Amazon, imaging there were an app you could run to turn your old phone or… Read more »

I think you’re pushing it with the extension on the Ultra – especially as the leaked render shows the same form factor as the Chromecast 2015 – it’s designed to be behind the TV. You may want to extend it, but it seems from that image alone that Google doesn’t. An AndroidTV box with mic would definitely benefit from voice control and they already do have a mic in the remote. It’s simply a matter of adding Assistant. As for turning old devices into a Home device, well that’s implied in that Google will be bringing Assistant to Android (both… Read more »

It isn’t just a matter of adding mics. Amazon spent 2 years perfecting their mic technology, where the industry was 2 sec theres is 1 sec response time (not verbatim but something like that). This is why I wasn’t impressed with Google home. I spend tons of energy researching about its mic tech but sadly no info out there. Also sad that current cellphones don’t focus much on improving mic quality along with noise cancellation. After all the phone is already the best assistant device ever so adding quality mic is logical. One would just need a dock and presto… Read more »

Oh I indeed doubt they will do it – as a group of devs were discussing the other day, google seem to be extremely poor in both understanding the user and user centric strategic vision. They also can’t hack the follow through. Hell chromecast still can’t properly do groups (no video chromecasts) and that’s a no-brainer that was announced. And how many generation have we had now with fragmentation still being an issue?

Google don’t need a Morgan Stanley bean counter to kill flights of fancy – it needs a good strategic systems person to bang heads together.