Welcome to the fray, OnePlus TV.

There have been a few suggestions over time that OnePlus was considering broadening its horizons. Now, that expanding ecosystem has been confirmed, with OnePlus taking to their own forums to confirm the upcoming TV.

The Forum post goes through a number of facets of product launch which users often wouldn’t think about. Logo design, continued adherence to the company mantra “never settle” and the inspiration for the design of the TV itself.

There is already some criticism of the somewhat generic name of the TV, but looking at their phones… that’s also true to form. The company tends to use its creative energy on the devices themselves, rather than giving their devices “mystical names” and I like that.

We’ll be monitoring updates on the OnePlus TV and will confirm once we have pricing and availability of the release. There are already rumours circulating that it may be released as soon as next month, time will tell us the truth. However, Australian customers should probably not hold their collective breaths – it’s unclear, as with other OnePlus gear, whether the OnePlus TV will come to Australia.

Source: OnePlus Forum.
Via: 9 to 5 Google.
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If only they would enter the Australian market!