Android Wear - Title
At Google I/O next week we fully expect to see a lot about Google’s wearables, starting with Glass and of course the new kid on the block – Android Wear. Google has released a new video, which is designed to introduce developers to Android Wear, the interface and the interactions that the devices will support.

Lablled ‘An Introduction to Android Wear’, the video shows off the new interface that Google are introducing with Android Wear. The interface is described as ‘simple, glanceable and built around micro-interactions. It also shows off the various voice commands that can be used to control the watch, as well as the audio alerts which the devices will be able to feed back to the user. There’s even a tease of the upcoming Android Wear App SDK which is sure to be announced at I/O.

It’s an interesting video and if you’re at all interested in Android Wear as a platform for development or just as a consumer, you should check it out.

Source: Google Developers YouTube.
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    Daniel, I don’t actually see a link or preview to the video.

    There was a problem with tags, it’s fixed now. Apologies.